Monday, August 26, 2019 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - Essay Example These e-commerce marketplaces have certain features which enables shoppers to be present in a virtual world where they can shop items of their choice and purchase them within a few presses in the keyboard and have it delivered to their doorsteps. There are hundreds of online marketplaces existing as of this very moment. Each having their unique feat which would attract more shoppers, buyers and even sellers. The most famous shopping sites today are Amazon, Yahoo! Shopping, EBay, and the like. For one instance,, a huge internet company has this certain Amazon affiliate program wherein site-owners from simple blogs to a complex network of site management, can participate in promoting and advertising the shopping site. In the certain program, the incentives that will be given to the affiliates can receive up to 10% from referral alone (, 2007). Aside from the famous Amazon site, there is also EBay, Yahoo Shopping and other affiliates wherein online shoppers can purchase all sorts of things from accessories to appliances, all in one big marketplace. What is good about these online marketplaces is that customers will feel an easier way of shopping and purchasing goods. Also, there is privacy between the seller and the buyer because transactions can happen through private messages. The business-to-business (B2B) electronic commerce (SMU-Cox, 2005) featured in these markets makes it more hunted by prospect buyers and sellers. Aside from these online markets, the introduction of shopping carts is also a big innovation in the online business world. Shopping carts are virtual representation of a real shopping cart wherein the buyer can place his or her selected items so that after shopping, the purchase and payment method would be easy and systematic. These shopping carts may be installed on the company/ site or may be used through a software in which the shopper can shop from several online stores and marketplaces instead of

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